Monday, February 15, 2016

When and where to use PLM (Product Life Cycle Management) ,PMDM (Product Master Data Management ) and PIM (Product Information Management)

In retail and manufacturing companies product data management has interesting challenges. There are many off shelf products claiming to be having PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), PIM (Product information Management) and MDM (Master Data Management) features. With this different acronyms and features it is very confusing for many IT/Business executives to make a right choice to fulfill their business needs.  Let me try to put some clarity around these, to help for better decision making process.

Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) applications are primarily focus on design, development and refinement process of the products. In manufacturing vertical the features may include product design, specifications, development cycles, packaging, customer trials, approvals process and much more. Most of the product research development business units of the organization use this toolset to manage the products.   In retail vertical the PLM means vendor selection, product approval process, product configuration changes, product /packaging redesign as per their business needs and workflows between the departments are part of it. Both Retail and Manufacturing verticals the focus is to have a well-defined process to make products designed and made available for sale.

Product information management(PIM) applications are focus on providing information about products in all channels. Current retail world is selling products in many different channels (E-commerce, Mobile, catalogs, instore and more) and each channel might have different set of needs. This can be complicated further with usage of multiple languages and demographical/localization needs.  Spanish customer want to see Spanish content of the product than English and similarly product pricing or dimensions could vary by country (product pricing in their own country, or dimensions in Feet vs meters).Need of the hour is that all channels need to have same accurate information with centralized content management. There will be needs of work flow management where different marketing /sales department are involved in generating/managing the content or doing a quality assurance of information. The product information can be received from vendors or product information syndicators like GS1. For a manufacturing vertical these application involve in sending the product information to product information consolidators or their product distributors or sellers. The  PIM systems still used by business users in marketing and sales departments with very little involvement of the IT departments.

Product MDM (Master Data Management)  

These applications focus on providing  limited set of product data used with in the internal operational and analytical systems and eliminating duplicate product ID’s/SKU’s. The focus of MDM to have golden copy of product data by consolidating product records from multiple source systems (There could be different Product ID’s (Even SKU’s) for different channels, regions or subsidiaries).  Mostly these data is actionable for the analytical systems for decision making. Eg.: a clothing retailers could see pattern of  more red shirts or sold vs blue. Electronics retailer could see there is more demand for 40 inch T.V. than 65 inch.  The Product MDM will be able to link all source identifiers to consolidate to have single version of truth in operational systems.

See Below illustration of how these three application suits fit in an enterprise (Retail or Manufacturing)

Does Enterprise Need Three different set of Tools ?

Given how these three different tool sets focus on different business needs is an enterprise need to have three product suits  to manage the product data or can they leverage one product for all the needs is a frequent question asked by business and IT executives. The answer to this question varies by organization and their data quality.  PIM and MDM have some common features, so if there is well established product ID and SKU management with very little duplication then a PIM can work for both Information and mastering. But if there is concern of data duplication with different product keys then the organization will benefit having both products. Also with enterprise moving to multi domain MDM solutions then PIM will focus on information management and product mastering will be part of multi domain MDM.
Similar if the current product lifecycle management process is well defined with some custom build application then there might not be a reason to change it unless it improves the performance of the business units.

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